Monday 25 March 2013

The Art of the Follow-Up with Business Buyers

The Art of the Follow-Up with Business Buyers

There’s a fine balance between a strategic B2B sales marketing plan and simply pounding the phones. Demand Gen released The 2012 B2B Buyer Behavior Survey which indicates that business buyers want to maintain contact with vendors, but don’t want to feel hounded. While sales teams and marketers need to consistently follow up in order to close a sale, they need to be cautious of becoming too aggressive in the eyes of the buyer. Following up with B2B buyers is an art and here’s how you can get started mastering the craft.
Time after Time
When it comes to following up with a B2B buyer, your sales and marketing teams need to make sure they are responding to leads quickly. 57% of the respondents from the Demand Gen report ranked the timeliness of a vendor’s response to their question/inquiries as very important and Inside Sales found that responding to a completed form within 5 minutes versus 10 minutes led to a 900% increase in contact rate.
When conducting research, buyers want the information they’re after without a wait. So, if a prospect has taken the steps to fill out a form, reach out quickly with your initial follow-up call.
Follow up with leads within 5 minutes or you could miss out on making contact. Send out a quick email and hop on the phone.
Do some quick research on the lead’s business and position. Be ready to provide relevant information for the buyer, no matter who they are or where they are in the buying cycle.
On Repeat
One phone call or an email isn’t enough. Marketers need to be prepared to send out multiple emails and your sales team needs to be prepared to make more than a couple of phone calls. 35% of respondents reported at least four contacts (via sales calls, emails or other methods) with the winning vendor and 31% said they had eight or more contacts (Demand Gen). This does n’t mean sending eight emails in a single week. It does indicate that as business buyers are conducting more research and comparing vendors, you need to be prepared to reconnect with your prospect on a basis that aligns with their buying process.
Use your CRM or sales software to collect data to develop an accurate timeline of your ideal and typical customer’s buying process.
With each follow up, tailor the information to your prospect’s industry, role in the company and phase of the buying cycle.
Relevance is King
Again, relevance to B2B buyers is important. While the phrase “Content is King” resonates with many B2B, it isn’t the only thing. Content needs to be relevant at every touch point. One study found that 66% of buyers indicate that “consistent and relevant communication provided by both sales and marketing organizations” is a key influence in choosing a solution provider. Be consistent and relevant with the information you provide each prospect.
After looking at your data and timeline, gear content to each stage in the buying cycle, such as whitepapers, case studies, live demos and free trials.
Ask your contact how and when they prefer to be reached. Whether email or phone - make sure you are reaching them how and when they want.
Following up and converting a lead isn’t always easy. More and more, business buyers are conducting research before making a purchase. As a sales and marketing team, your employees need to be quick to follow up and ready with relevant information. This means doing some background research and having relevant contact on hand when following up, whether it’s an email or a phone call.
How does your sales team manage follow-up calls and emails with leads?

Get an Edge – 3 Things Modern B2B Marketers Need

Get an Edge – 3 Things Modern B2B Marketers Need

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Sunday 10 March 2013

B2B - An Electronic Relationship of Business Entities

B2B - An Electronic Relationship of Business Entities

Information and technology for doing trade, performs all the commercial and non commercial activities using the platform of internet! In this age of technological advancements there are various business model have developed, B2B is one of the most popular business model using internet for all its business activities. Internet is perfect mode of connectivity between companies located anywhere in the world.

Before understanding the concept of B2B we should know that companies are able to place complete directory of their products & services online and also able to update the business information regularly according to their business strategies. It’s a new aged unique way in order to showcase their products & services completely and easy mode of interaction with their potential clients online.
B2B means trade between companies; companies are selling & buying products and services with each other online. There are various business entities involved for performing in this network of trade on the internet, large amount of business data use to transfer from one company to another via internet.

To simplify the B2B just imagine all the different entities of offline business such as sellers, buyers, distributors, transporters, resellers, suppliers, sales & marketing professionals, etc. All these entities use to build electronic relationship with each other using their respective web applications and exchanging business information for fast trade between them. Most important advantage of electronic relationship is that they don’t use to face all the delay hassles due to distances and companies can do trade with each other from different parts of the world.

Companies from various business industries are involved with each other in online trade making strong network of B2B market places all over the world. To fulfill eCommerce website related solutions there are numerous web developme companies which are providing customized B2B eCommerce website development services, creating huge B2B network
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Monday 4 March 2013


It is March and time again for the obligatory 2012 predictions. According to the global economy situation, where is the trend of B2B marketing going in the following years?

On the Internet, B2B (business-to-business), also known as e-biz, is the exchange of products, services, or information between businesses rather than between businesses and consumers. Marketing is becoming more and more personal (from mass marketing) as the social media is getting more popular with the suppliers and the manufacturers, Exports, Traders they worry more about was Facebook and Twitter, LinkedIn, Google, These are the decisions that will shape small company B2B marketing in 2012. And how about the top B2B marketing platform like, Alibaba, Made-in-China, de developing trends? As we all know these b2b websites all have long history will they turn into other marketing styles?

In the past years, B2C is generated from big B2B market. Take and for example. The lines between B2B and B2C continues to diminish. While none of the B2B marketing websites are earth shattering, they should act as great reminders for marketers to incorporate into engagements.

The need to more effectively quantify and communicate value created for customers
Ø  Developing approaches to better understand what customers really need
Ø  Finding, “sensing,” identifying and assessing new opportunities for growth
Ø  Developing closer ties with customers, suppliers, channel partnerships
Ø  Capitalize on new growth/emerging markets
Ø  Balancing short-term requirements and long-term opportunities